1 |
AGM Engineering Co. Ltd. |
Mehmet KILIÇ |
agm@agm.com.tr |
312 472 31 33 |
www.agm.com.tr |
2 |
AKAR-SU Engineering Consulting Co. |
Erdoğan GÜL |
info@akarsu.com.tr |
312-473 32 03 |
www.akarsu.com.tr |
3 |
ALPKON Structural Design Consulting Engi |
Ahmet Kutay ŞAHİN |
info@alpkonproje.com |
312-439 16 14 |
www.alpkonproje.com |
4 |
ALTER International Engineering and Cons |
ALTER Uluslararası Müh. ve Müş. Hiz. Ltd |
alter@alter.com.tr |
312 439 29 99 |
www.alter.com.tr |
5 |
ALTER International Engineering and Cons |
alter@alter.com.tr |
312-439 52 86 |
www.alter.com.tr |
6 |
ALTINOK Consulting Engineering Inc. |
info@altinok.com.tc |
212-221 44 08 |
www.altinok.com.tc |
7 |
AQWADEM Consulting |
Ogün Hakan ÇİÇEK |
info@aqwadem.com |
312-446 29 25 |
www.aqwadem.com |
8 |
ART Environmental Technologies Ltd. |
Tamer TUNCER |
infoart@artltd.com.tr |
312- 229 78 54 |
www.artltd.com.tr |
9 |
ARTI Architecture Engineering Consulting |
Mehmet ŞENOL |
info@artiproje.net |
312-441 23 50 |
www.artiproje.net |
10 |
BAR-SU Project Engineering Consulting Tr |
Mehmet Harun ASKEROĞLU |
barsu@bar-su.com |
312-472 78 10 |
www.bar-su.com |
11 |
Mehmet BOYACI |
mehmetboyaci@yandex.com |
312-441 80 22 |
www.yandex.com |
12 |
BOTEK Bosphorus Technical Consulting Cor |
Levent Nuri GELGİN |
botek@botekcorp.com |
212-347 27 20 |
www.botekcorp.com |
13 |
BS Engineering |
Süleyman ÖZCAN |
info@bsmuhendislik.com |
212-212 28 28 |
www.bsmuhendislik.com |
14 |
CEMA Engineering and Project Inc. |
CEMA Mühendislik ve Proje A.Ş. |
cema@cema.com.tr |
216-465 20 23 |
www.cema.com.tr |
15 |
CEMA Engineering and Project Inc. |
Gökhan ÖZEN |
cema@cema.com.tr |
216-465 20 23 |
www.cema.com.tr |
16 |
CEVRE YAPI Project Management Ltd. |
Mehmet Gökhan Berk |
cevreyapi@cevreyapi.net |
216-266 61 3 |
www.cevreyapi.net |
17 |
DENZAY Engineering & Architecture |
Emrecan POLAT |
info@denzay.com |
312-481 12 33 |
www.denzay.com |
18 |
DOLFEN Consultancy Engineering Corp. |
Yasemin ÖZGEN |
info@dolfen.com |
312 468 59 30 |
www.dolfen.com |
19 |
DOLSAR Engineering Inc. Co. |
DOLSAR Mühendislik A.Ş. |
dolsar@dolsar.com.tr |
312-412 80 00 |
www.dolsar.com.tr |
20 |
DOLSAR Engineering Inc. Co. |
M.Sinan AKER |
dolsar@dolsar.com.tr |
312-417 90 00 |
www.dolsar.com.tr |
21 |
EFK Engineering Project Company |
İsmail ÖZTÜRK |
efk@efkmuhendislik.com |
312-426 25 67 |
www.efkmuhendislik.com |
22 |
EMAY International Engineering and Consulting Co. |
EMAY Uluslararası Müh. ve Müş. A.Ş. |
emay@emay.com |
216-400 0 400 |
www.emay.com |
23 |
EMAY International Engineering and Consulting Co. |
emay@emay.com |
312-300 0 300 |
www.emay.com |
24 |
EN-SU Engineering and Consulting Ltd. |
ensu@ensu.com.tr |
312-479 74 30 |
www.ensu.com.tr |
25 |
ENCON Environmental Consultancy Ltd. |
Hüseyin TEKİN |
encon@encon.com.tr |
312 447 71 22 |
www.encon.com.tr |
26 |
ENTEGRE Project Management |
Kemal OKUMUŞ |
info@epy.com.tr |
216-355 26 50 |
www.epy.com.tr |
27 |
EQUITAS International Const. Project Man |
Metehan Çağlar SONBAHAR |
info@equitas-consulting.com |
212-403 95 78 |
www.equitas-consulting.com |
28 |
ER Engineering Co. Ltd. |
ermuhendislik@gmail.com |
322-453 74 29 |
www.gmail.com |
29 |
ERBİL Project Consulting Engineering Inc |
Ertuğrul DİZDAR |
info@erbilproje.com |
312-466 51 16 |
www.erbilproje.com |
30 |
ERDEMLİ Engineering and Consulting Co. Ltd. |
Kerem PEKER |
info@erdemli.com |
212-259 17 27 |
www.erdemli.com |
31 |
ERENTÜRK Consulting Engineers |
ERENTÜRK Müşavir Mühendislik |
oktay.erenturk@yaani.com |
312 466 62 02 |
www.yaani.com |
32 |
ERGES Consulting Inc. |
info@erges.com.tr |
312-479 26 06 |
www.erges.com.tr |
33 |
ERKA-AS Design and Consulting Co. |
Mehmet Halit BAKIRCI |
koba@koba.com.tr |
312-472 89 58 |
www.koba.com.tr |
34 |
ERYA Engineering Project Management Trad |
Ziya Kerim ERKAN |
info@eryapm.com |
312-428 38 92 |
www.eryapm.com |
35 |
ES DESIGN Engineering Consultancy Ltd. C |
Salih Bilgin AKMAN |
esproje@esproje.com |
312-442 74 95 |
www.esproje.com |
36 |
ESER Project & Engineering Co. Inc. |
Mehmet DÖNMEZ |
eser@espm.com.tr |
312-408 00 00 |
www.espm.com.tr |
37 |
FAMER Group |
info@famergroup.com |
312-440 55 19 |
www.famergroup.com |
38 |
GEN-TES Engineering Co. Ltd. |
info@gen-tes.com.tr |
312-446 15 88 |
www.gen-tes.com.tr |
39 |
GENKON Engineering Consulting Inc. |
Osman SALICI |
info@genkon.com.tr |
216-380 01 40 |
www.genkon.com.tr |
40 |
HARITAEVI Aviation Engineering Inc. Co. |
haritaevi@haritaevi.com |
312-266 66 98 |
www.haritaevi.com |
41 |
HAYTEK International Engineering and Con |
Bülent DEMİRCA |
haytek@haytek.com.tr |
312-447 74 10 |
www.haytek.com.tr |
42 |
HAYTEK International Engineering and Con |
HAYTEK Uluslararası Mühendislik ve Müşav |
haytek@haytek.com.tr |
216-400 0 400 |
www.haytek.com.tr |
43 |
ICM Consulting Ltd. |
Başar ŞAHİN |
info@icmconsultation.com |
212 366 57 42 |
www.icmconsultation.com |
44 |
IDS Architecture Engineering Management |
Bülent PEKER |
info@idsconsult.com |
312-419 20 11 |
www.idsconsult.com |
45 |
KARİNA Design, Consultancy and Training |
Aydın ÖZKAYA |
bilgi@karina.gen.tr |
312-472 62 88 |
www.karina.gen.tr |
46 |
KAVALCI Engineering & Consulting LLC. |
Mehmet KAVALCI |
info@kavalcimuhendislik.com |
312-442 92 60 |
www.kavalcimuhendislik.com |
47 |
KINACI Engineering Architectural Consult |
M. Zafer KINACI |
info@kinaci.com.tr |
312 466 22 51 |
www.kinaci.com.tr |
48 |
KOBA Project and Consultancy Inc. |
KOBA Proje ve Danışmanlık A.Ş. |
koba@koba.com.tr |
312-472 89 58 |
www.koba.com.tr |
49 |
KOLTEK Consulting Inc. |
Metin DALGIÇ |
info@koltek.com.tr |
312- 436 34 50 |
www.koltek.com.tr |
50 |
MC2 MODERN International Project Managem |
Levent IRMAK |
levent@mc2modern.com |
216-687 0675 |
www.mc2modern.com |
51 |
MCS Mühendis İnşaat Yönetim A.Ş. |
info@muhendis-mcs.com |
212-801 83 82 |
www.muhendis-mcs.com |
52 |
MEGA Engineering Consulting Co. |
info@megamuhendislik.com.tr |
312-236 44 50 |
www.megamuhendislik.com.tr |
53 |
MESCİOĞLU Engineering and Consultancy Co |
Ayhan Faruk MESCİ |
mescioglu@mescioglu.com.tr |
312-235 20 00 |
www.mescioglu.com.tr |
54 |
METROPLAN Consultancy Engineering Indust |
M. Fethi ÖZTÜRK |
info@metroplan.com.tr |
312-490 38 00 |
www.metroplan.com.tr |
55 |
MEV Project and Engineering Inc. |
info@mevproje.com |
312-441 16 38 |
www.mevproje.com |
56 |
MGS Project Consultancy Engineering Trad |
Mehmet YALÇIN |
mgs@mgsmuhendislik.com |
312-479 84 00 |
www.mgsmuhendislik.com |
57 |
NFB Engineering and Consultancy Inc. |
Burak TURAN |
info@nfbproje.com |
312 221 10 41 |
www.nfbproje.com |
58 |
OKUTAN Project Design Consultancy Trade |
Mehmet Galip OKUTAN |
ankara@okutan.net |
312-438 85 61 |
www.okutan.net |
59 |
ONCUOGLU Architecture - Planning and Consultancy Services In |
oncuoglu@oncuoglu.com.tr |
312-473 09 05 |
www.oncuoglu.com.tr |
60 |
ORION Consulting Engineering and Project |
Cenk FİDAN |
bilgi@orionproje.com |
312 473 99 40 |
www.orionproje.com |
61 |
PETEK PROJE Engineering Consultancy Inc. |
Dursun TEKİNER |
petek@petek.com.tr |
312-472 83 07 |
www.petek.com.tr |
62 |
PROHİT Engineering Co. Ltd. |
info@prohit.com.tr |
216-251 04 95 |
www.prohit.com.tr |
63 |
PROKON Engineering and Consultancy Inc. |
PROKON Mühendislik ve Müşavirlik A.Ş. |
info@prokon.com.tr |
312 287 26 43 |
www.prokon.com.tr |
64 |
PROKON Engineering and Consultancy Inc. |
PROKON Mühendislik ve Müşavirlik A.Ş. |
info@prokon.com.tr |
312-287 26 43 |
www.prokon.com.tr |
65 |
PROMER Consultancy Engineering Inc. |
Yüksel İ. TONGUÇ |
info@promerengineering.com.tr |
312-235 79 00 |
www.promerengineering.com.tr |
66 |
PROPLAN Project Management & Consultancy |
Gökhan ÖZBER |
info@proplan-pmc.com |
216-537 06 87 |
www.proplan-pmc.com |
67 |
PROTA Engineering Design and Consultancy |
PROTA Müh. Proje ve Dan. Hizm. A.Ş. |
proje@prota.com.tr |
312-490 52 25 |
www.prota.com.tr |
68 |
PROTA Engineering Design and Consultancy |
proje@prota.com.tr |
312- 490 52 25 |
www.prota.com.tr |
69 |
PROYAPI Engineering and Consultancy Inc. |
Murat KORU |
info@proyapi.com |
312-287 46 65 |
www.proyapi.com |
70 |
RAST Engineering Services Ltd |
rast@rast.com.tr |
216-651 80 02 |
www.rast.com.tr |
71 |
SEPA Engineering & Consulting |
Mehmet BALCI |
sepa@sepaproje.com |
312-473 06 48 |
www.sepaproje.com |
72 |
SEZA Engineering Architecture Consulting |
info@sezamuh.com.tr |
216-326 06 11 |
www.sezamuh.com.tr |
73 |
SU PEK Proje and Consultancy Inc. |
proje@supek.com |
312-445 02 75 - 76 |
www.supek.com |
74 |
SUİŞ PROJE Engineering & Consulting Ltd. |
A.Kerim ORHON |
suis@suis.com |
312-441 99 00 |
www.suis.com |
75 |
SUNKO Proje Inc. |
Derya Özlem KOCA |
idari@sunkoproje.com |
312 239 32 33 |
www.sunkoproje.com |
76 |
TANECS Engineering Consultancy Education |
TANECS Müh. Dan. Eğitim A.Ş. |
contact@tanecs.com |
312-963 1853 |
www.tanecs.com |
77 |
TEKAR Technical Research Ltd. Company |
TEKAR Teknik Araştırma Ltd. Şti. |
tekar@tekar.com.tr |
312-467 82 43 |
www.tekar.com.tr |
78 |
TEKNİK TEMPO International Engineering C |
Raşit ÜNÜVAR |
tempo@tempo.com.tr |
312-491 30 37 |
www.tempo.com.tr |
79 |
TEM Engineering and Consulting Co. Ltd. |
Zihni TEKİN |
tem@tem-engineering.com |
212-296 09 79 |
www.tem-engineering.com |
80 |
TEMELSU International Engineering Servic |
Haluk DEMİR |
temelsu@temelsu.com.tr |
312-442 47 20 |
www.temelsu.com.tr |
81 |
TEMELSU International Engineering Servic |
TEMELSU Uluslararası Müh. Hiz. A.Ş. |
temelsu@temelsu.com.tr |
312 442 47 20 |
www.temelsu.com.tr |
82 |
TEMELSU International Engineering Servic |
TEMELSU Uluslararası Müh. Hzm. A.Ş |
temelsu@temelsu.com.tr |
312 442 47 20 |
www.temelsu.com.tr |
83 |
TEMELSU International Engineering Servic |
TEMELSU Uluslararası Müh. Hzm. A.Ş |
temelsu@temelsu.com.tr |
312-442 47 20 |
www.temelsu.com.tr |
84 |
TİMA Engineering, Consultancy, Project a |
Ali ATAÇ |
info@timaengineering.com |
216-347 13 95 |
www.timaengineering.com |
85 |
TMA Engineering Ltd. |
Munis ÖZER |
tma@tmaeng.com |
312-467 14 27 |
www.tmaeng.com |
86 |
UBM-International United Consultants Inc |
Doğan ÖNER |
ubm@ubm.com.tr |
312-427 65 65 |
www.ubm.com.tr |
87 |
ÜÇER Consultant Engineering Inc. |
Fatih Çağrı DOĞAN |
ucer@uceras.com |
312 418 84 16 |
www.uceras.com |
88 |
ULUDAĞ Architecture Consultant and Trad |
Orhan ULUDAĞ |
uludag@uludagarch.com.tr |
312-236 19 19 |
www.uludagarch.com.tr |
89 |
URAL Engineering Inc. |
Ahmet Süreyya URAL |
info@ural.com.tr |
312-475 28 48 |
www.ural.com.tr |
90 |
YÜKSEL DOMANİÇ Engineering Ltd. Co. |
Kemal Arman DOMANİÇ |
mail@ydomanic.com |
312-235 98 53 |
www.ydomanic.com |
91 |
Celal AKIN |
yproje@yukselproje.com.tr |
312-495 70 00 |
www.yukselproje.com.tr |
92 |
yproje@yukselproje.com.tr |
312-495 70 00 |
www.yukselproje.com.tr |
93 |
yproje@yukselproje.com.tr |
216-349 59 97 |
www.yukselproje.com.tr |
94 |
yproje@yukselproje.com.tr |
312-495 70 00 |
www.yukselproje.com.tr |
95 |
YURDAKUL Engineering Consultancy |
bilgi@yurdakul.com |
312-442 09 29 |
www.yurdakul.com |